Dear Sirs,
Please be advised that from 25/04/2019 to 05/05/2019 our company will be closed.
(holiday break). Please leave the e-mail:
Office and Warehouse :
Królewiecka 337 str., 82-300 Elbląg (Dąbrowa Kolonia), Poland
Opening hours : 8.00-16.00 (Monday - Friday)
Registered office : Królewiecka 337 str. 82-300 Elbląg , Poland
Telefon: +48 /55/ 237 07 45
visit us :
Regon: 192878819
P.IVA : 958-14-30-697
Bank: BPS S.A. O/Elbląg :
konto PLN : 85 1930 1901 2810 0411 6561 0001
konto EUR : 58 1930 1901 2810 0411 6561 0002 SWIFT : POLUPLPR